MiniACE® Enema Button

MiniACE® Enema Button

Antegrade Continence Enema Button

The AMT MiniACE® is a balloon button that can be used to facilitate antegrade continence enemas (both Malone/appendicostomy and cecostomy). The device is low profile, meaning it sits flush against the skin and can be easily concealed under clothing and not interfere with day-to-day activities.

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What is an Antegrade Enema?

AMT’s MiniACE® Button

An Antegrade Enema is an alternative way to give an enema. Most people are familiar with a traditional, or retrograde enema. A retrograde enema is typically given by inserting a tube into the rectum and administering a solution that helps empty the colon. Alternatively, an antegrade enema is given by inserting a tube into the starting point of the colon (known as the cecum) and administering irrigation fluid that helps empty the bowels. The tube is inserted through a stoma, which is a surgical opening that connects the abdomen to the colon. A retrograde enema is performed from the “bottom up” while an antegrade enema is performed from the “top down”.


What does ACE mean?

ACE stands for Antegrade (in a forward direction) Continence (with bowel control) Enema (washout of the large intestine or colon). ACE might be recommended for patients who struggle with severe constipation or fecal incontinence (difficulty controlling bowel movement). Conditions which can contribute to severe constipation or fecal incontinence include Hirschsprung’s Disease, spina bifida, gastrointestinal dysmotility, malformations, and more. Your healthcare provider may suggest an ACE procedure if other forms of medical intervention, such as dietary changes or traditional/retrograde enemas, are not producing effective bowel movements. An antegrade enema might facilitate a more complete flush of the colon versus a traditional retrograde enema. The ACE procedure can allow for self-administration of enemas, which can increase independence and improve quality of life for some patients.

There are two types of ACE procedures: Cecostomy and Appendicostomy.

MiniACE® is cleared for both Appendicostomy (MACE) & Cecostomy!

MiniACE® is the only FDA cleared balloon button device for 

Antegrade Continence Enema (ACE) procedures.

From Coils to Comfort, Upgrade to the MiniACE® Today

  • The MiniACE® internal retention balloon is gentle on the intestinal walls as opposed to the coils and exposed interior tip of the Chait Trapdoor™

  • AMT’s MiniACE® balloon button is 450% more secure within the stoma as compared to the Chait Trapdoor* which reduces the risk of accidental pull-outs

  • Tapered tubing at the external bolster, along with an Exclusive AMT Balloon with a unique apple-shape, reduce the risk of leaks

  • Anti-leakage valve prevents backflow of irrigation fluids

  • MiniACE® is cleared for initial placement whereas Chait Trapdoor™ is not

  • Patient-specific sizing of the MiniACE® leads to less movement (“pistoning”) within the stoma which can reduce the risk of nerve damage and pain at the stoma site

  • MiniACE® can be easily exchanged in the exam room which means no anesthesia, no radiation, and no expensive trips to IR/OR

It’s all About the Balloon

An Adjustable Balloon

Balloon fill volume can be easily adjusted for a custom-fit, as recommended by your healthcare provider. A better fit can improve patient comfort and reduce leaks.

A Durable Balloon

Made from medical-grade silicone, which can increase the longevity of the MiniACE®.

A Better Balloon

Exclusive AMT Balloon with unique “apple-shape”, is designed to cover more surface area, take up less space in the colon, and minimize leaks at the cecostomy site. When filled, the AMT balloon grows horizontally to provide a larger seal surface and may help to reduce granulation tissue.

MiniACE® Irrigation Sets


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MiniACE® Enema Button
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